i am soooo proud of vito!
he has totally stepped up to his role as kuya.
in just a few weeks, he has gotten rid of all the bad habits he developed in cebu without any strong discipline measures from us parents. he's back to feeding himself, cleaning up his mess, getting water for himself, washing his hands, brushing his teeth, even reminding me when it's time to give him milk or vitamins.
now he even helps me in my daily chores. he brings his used plates and utensils to the sink, turns off fans and lights when he leaves a room, assists me when i'm changing raoul, helps me out when i need to give raoul's vitamins, and even tries to entertain his baby brother when i'm busy. i can even count on him not to hurt raoul.
i really wouldn't be able to manage if it wasn't for vito's help every single day.
we try to have time together when raoul is asleep, so that vito doesn't feel left out. we snuggle and read a book, or work on his writing and counting (and doing sums) so that he doesn't forget them. and we talk all the time. or at least he talks, and i listen. heheh.
vito is really a kuya now. and i couldn't be more proud!
well done, kuya vito.
good job, kuya vito! we are so proud of you!! your kuya martin and justin are sending their warmest regards!
Pat, you are such a wonderful mom. I told you, it will be easy-breezy!
Am sure he feels more mature now that Raoul is there. He feels he is now a Man! Showing you that he could take care of himself and you can count on him all the time.
oh how sweet! kuya makes everybody proud of him! am happy for all of you, Pat!
i'm so happy for you Pat. it all goes back to you and Manuel. congratulations!
and to you dear Vito, i am so awed by your love which you show so concretely!
awww...growing up na yung baby boy Pat :-)
That's my grandson!
(from vito) "i love you lola!"
wow im so happy to hear na his becoming more matured. hehehe this deserves an award. hmm... sa sweldo ko te pat ill buy him something.will just ask him what he likes by then.
thanks tita chi!
yes, you were right as usual meann! =)
yes tita lou, you are so right. he matured a lot when raoul arrived. and he always points out the fact that he can take care of himself because he's a big boy na. in fact, he looks and acts like a much older kid, that manuel and i sometimes forget that he's only 5. =)
thanks tita wi! and he's such a sweet boy to boot! he shows his appreciation for little things. like he says, "thank you mommy, for cooking this yummy food." or "thank you daddy for giving me my milk."
hi chiara! thanks for the affirmation! we all try to do our best. i was a bit worried because we had to undo a lot of bad habits he developed from 5 months with a yaya. but i'm glad he got rid of them fast. =)
dugay na sya dili baby! =)
no rewards please tita cathie! =) he already has too many toys.
Good job Bambam!!!
Vito's such a good boy=) well done Vito=) good job for his training patricia=)
thank you tita mamai!
ah, he still tries to test the limits every once in a while, but in general, he is a good boy who likes to please people. =)
ang galing naman ni kuya vito!!! thank God!! answered prayer yan.
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