Thursday, May 27, 2010

handy helper

i am soooo proud of vito!

he has totally stepped up to his role as kuya.

in just a few weeks, he has gotten rid of all the bad habits he developed in cebu without any strong discipline measures from us parents.  he's back to feeding himself, cleaning up his mess, getting water for himself, washing his hands, brushing his teeth, even reminding me when it's time to give him milk or vitamins. 

now he even helps me in my daily chores.  he brings his used plates and utensils to the sink, turns off fans and lights when he leaves a room, assists me when i'm changing raoul, helps me out when i need to give raoul's vitamins, and even tries to entertain his baby brother when i'm busy.  i can even count on him not to hurt raoul. 

i really wouldn't be able to manage if it wasn't for vito's help every single day. 

we try to have time together when raoul is asleep, so that vito doesn't feel left out. we snuggle and read a book, or work on his writing and counting (and doing sums) so that he doesn't forget them.  and we talk all the time. or at least he talks, and i listen. heheh. 

vito is really a kuya now. and i couldn't be more proud!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

i would have gone wild setting up a nursery room!  i know, i know, it's pointless to even talk about it as i have two boys instead.  and i'm not saying i want to exchange them for girls. no, no, no!  but it would be nice to have a daughter, if only for the decorating possibilities! not to mention endless hours of playing dress-up! 

<nursery inspirations

anyway, in my search for design inspiration, i came across these lovely images.  can you imagine how absolutely gorgeous a baby's room would look if you combined all these into a chic french-inspired fantasy of a nursery? yes, i know, it's an avalanche of pink!

perhaps i should just decorate my work area and be done with it, huh? =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

you are my sunshine raoul

this sweet little baby wakes up with a huge smile.  he loves to coo along when people sing to him, and gets excited when i play music.  he's so easy to please, and is also very easy to take care of.  if i had known what a joy he would be, i wouldn't have been so apprehensive when i found out i was pregnant. =)